Friday, June 3, 2011


So, I may or may not have totally forgot about this blog. Last post was just over a year ago, so if anyone stumbles upon this site or still gets updates, I'll fill you in and attempt to update this thing more often. No promises though, because working on the car is always more fun than updating a blog.

I am happy to report that progress hasn't stopped along with the updates. Over the past year, I've designed and built the front suspension, steering rack mounts, engine mounts, seat mounts, steering column mounts, and built the floors and transmission tunnel (which isn't really a transmission tunnel, since the transmission is built into the engine casing). Picture dump time!

Steering column:

Engine mounts:

Steering rack:
Front Suspension:

Aaaaaaaand all that culminates to having a rolling chassis, getting the chassis off the table, and FINALLY putting the car on it's own four wheels for the first time ever! Excited.

With the engine installed:

All the mess you see in the background is the disassembled remnants of the build table, and everything that fit on the shelf under the table. Since getting to this stage on Memorial Day, I haven't done anything in the garage except start cleaning and organizing it. It's an uphill battle.

If in the future you are really interested in my progress, you can check out my build log on the forums at That link will take you to the first post. It's a lot easier to update that build log (blog?) than it is this blog, so updates are more frequent there.