Sunday, September 6, 2009

Work work work

Got some work done over the last few weeks. Took the engine out of the R1. There really is nothing quite as therapeutic as taking something apart that you don't have to put back together.

Sitting in it's new home.

So my original plan was to just use the standard plans (which are designed for a solid axle) and adapt it for the independent rear suspension of the Miata, but after much staring and thinking, I decided that the best thing would be to take apart everything I had from the bulkhead back and start from a clean sheet design. Off to Solidworks I went, and I ended up with something that I think will work.
Tore everything apart, and the beginnings of the new design. By the way, as you can see in the pictures, I picked up my differential a couple weeks ago. Some guy on Craigslist was parting out a 1994 Ford Thunderbird V6, so I picked up the 7.5" 3.27 differential, half shafts, and the driveshaft just for good measure.

If you squint and use your imagination, it's sort of starting to look like a car. Squint hard.